The Horror of Trump

So many friends and colleagues are responding with power and grace to the current political order and its consequences. Not that what preceded it was great—including slavery, ethnic cleansing, and the caste system—but what is happening now certainly gives a pause to Martin Luther King’s reminder that “the arc of the moral universe is long, … Read more

Cultural Hegemony During the Coronavirus Pandemic

During the coronavirus pandemic crisis period, knowledge of how cultural hegemony worked was incredibly important. For many of us, the growth of what has been called “larceny capitalism” was less important than our health and that of our families. Today, larceny capitalism continues unabated. It appears to be an accepted norm in the United States … Read more

Race, Racism & Whiteness

“Race” is a complex, bifurcated narrative; it is a double-sided coin. On one side of the coin is the category of Whiteness or unearned advantage. On the other side of the coin is racism or unearned oppression, which reflects the power of Whiteness to exclude, benefit from, and enact violence on those who do not … Read more

Gender Identity & Gender Expression

In Native ontology generally, not only do we need to show respect for non-human forms of life but all forms of life are worthy of respect and inclusion. Gender is understood in a less binary (he/she) fashion. Rigid categorization is not normal. People can identify as 2-spirit beings, while being male- or female-bodied. Native gender … Read more